Dr. Goodfield’s Writing

Published Pieces

The Night Stalker: Psychological Analysis of Composite Sketch

Forensic Examiner: Interview with Dr. Goodfield
An interview with Dr. Goodfield examining his career as a forensic examiner.

Sadam Hussein: The Unconscious Mind of The Butcher of Baghdad—New Tools Reveal What the World Does Not Know
Dr. Goodfield explains what drove Sadam Hussein based on a thorough analysis of his NVLs using the Goodfield Method. Was he a psychopath?

Minding Milosevic’s Mind. Improving International Justice by Creating Deeper Insight into Judicial Actions
When he was imprisoned in the Hague, Slobodan Milosevic was analyzed by Dr. Goodfield using the Goodfield Method. This article explores the methodological tools.

The Somalia Case:  Challenges and Psychological Dynamics of Negotiating Risks in Failed States
Dr. Goodfield and co-writer, Andre LeGallo, BA, examine decision-making, the effect of conflicting personalities, and the role of the unconscious as seen in the Non-Verbal Leak.

Institute Literature

Stephen Paddock: Inside the Unconscious Mind and Body of a Mass Murderer
A post-autopsy psychological analysis

The Invisible Saber-Toothed Tiger: The Attorney and Stress
Most of a lawyer’s waking hours are spent in environments that encourage competition, attempting to present superior language skills and logic to defeat the opponents’ case. What are the consequences? Enclosed are tips to relax.

You cannot change the past nor are we able to change the future. Where does “hope” fit into our psychological basket of tricks and tools of daily survival?

The Brass Ring: A few thoughts about the best thing and the worst thing about getting older
I won the brass ring! What exactly does that mean?

A Look at Relationships
I will share with you the secrets to my outstanding catastrophes in this area.

A Few Thoughts About Love and Loss
Real love is not for those without courage. One of the things that I know to be true, is that risk-taking is in direct proportion to growth.

Clinical Profile of President Vladimir Putin

You can lead a person to information, but you can’t make them think as the expression in the intelligence service goes, “Once a spy always a spy,” another expression suggests. Vladimir Putin’s life is the story of a man filled with distrust and suspicion. An clinical profile I wrote in 2018 and is still up-to-date.

Clinical Profile of President Donald J. Trump

Since leaving the White House Trump has continued to dominate the Republican Party and is a candidate in the 2024 Republican presidential primaries. Donald Trump is often found at the center of the fray when action is required, he will not hesitate to speak up when the time is right — and even sometimes when the time is not right. 

Clinical Profile of President Joe R. Biden

Pres. Joe Biden is a man who is known for “shooting from the lip and missing.” He is a people person who prides himself on interpersonal contact with the average American. He is compassionate and genuinely caring about the plight of people in distress. This generalized perception of Biden may be to his detriment as he may be seen as not bright, tough, or aggressive enough.

Clinical Profile of President Emmanuel Macron

Pres. Emmanuel Macron is a quick and analytical individual with issues of distrust. With his intense focus and relentless questioning and conversations, he is not meant to be confrontational; rather, it is a means for uncovering the truth and satisfying his deep curiosity. He is a bright and perceptive powerhouse.